आई.सी.एम.आर.- राष्ट्रीय व्यावसायिक स्वास्थ्य संस्थान, ICMR- National Institute Of Occupational Health अहमदाबाद - 380016 भारत. Ahmedabad - 380016 India. व्यावसायिक स्वास्थ्य के लिए डब्ल्यूएचओ का सहयोग केंद्र. WHO Collaborating Center for Occupational Health
Studies on Biochemical toxicity in occupational exposure.
Biomarkers of exposure and responses in different occupational exposure.
Membership / Affliation
Indian Association of Occupational Health
Fellowship / Awards
4th Rank in M.Sc Biochemistry
Junior Research fellowship in Joint CSIR-UGC
Mohanmul award for best scientific paper in Industrial Medicine
Ravibabu Kalahasthi and Tapu Barman. Assessment of Lead Exposure and Urinary-δ-aminolevulinic Acid Levels in Male Lead Acid Battery Workers in Tamil Nadu, India. Journal of Health and Pollution: 2018; 8(17):6-13.https://doi.org/10.5696/2156-9614-8.17.6
Kalahasthi Ravibabu, Tapu Barman, BS Bagepally. Assessment of systemic inflammatory response markers in workers exposed to Pb from Pb battery plant. Toxin Review, Published online: 20 November, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1080/15569543.2017.1402059.
Kalahasthi R., & Barman, T. Effect of Lead Exposure on the Status of Reticulocyte Count Indices among Workers from Lead Battery Manufacturing Plant. Toxicological Research.2016; 32(4):281-287.doi: 10.5487/TR.2016.32.4.281
Bhavani Shankara Bagepally, Ravibabu Kalahasthi, Tapu Barman. Serum Iron, Zinc and its relationship with Blood lead levels among lead exposed worker from lead battery plant. J Mol Pathophysiology.2016; 5(3):49-54. http://dx.doi.org/10.5455/jmp.20160906043935
Kalahasthi, Ravibabu, Barman, Tapu, Rajmohan, HR, Bagepally, BS, Ravichandran. Effectiveness of interventions on biological monitoring among workers exposed to Pb from leadacid storage battery plant. Int J Med Sci Public Health.2016; 5(9):1770-74. http://dx.doi.org/10.5455/ijmsph.2016.19112015318
K Ravibabu, T Barman, HR Rajmohan. Serum Neuron-Specific Enolase, Biogenic AminoAcids and Neurobehavioral Function in Lead-Exposed Workers from Lead-Acid Battery Manufacturing Process. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2015; 6(1):50-57. DOI: 10.15171/ijoem.2015.436.
Tapu Barman, Ravibabu Kalahasthi and HR Rajmohan. Effects of lead exposure on the status of platelet indices in workers involved in a lead-acid battery manufacturing plant. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiology.2014; 24(6):629-33. DOI: 10.1038/jes.2014.4
Ravibabu Kalahasthi, Tapu Barman and HR Rajmohan. The relationship between blood lead levels and morbidities among workers employed in a factory manufacturing lead–acid storage battery. International Journal of Environmental Health Research.2014;24(3):246-55. doi: 10.1080/09603123.2013.809702.
Ravibabu Kalahasthi, Tapu Barman, Hirehal Raghavendra Rao. Assessment of the relationship between blood lead levels and hematological parameters among lead acid –storage battery plant workers. J Environ Occup Sci. 2012; 1(1): 1-5
Ravibabu Kalahasthi, HR Rajmohan, Pavitra Narendran, Adithya Pradyumna.Serum total immunoglobin-E and health hazards in workers involved in land fill and compost areas of hazardous waste management plants. Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.2012; 16(1):9-13.
Kalahasthi Ravibabu, Adithya P, Pavithra N & H.R. Rajmohan. Evaluation of the Relationship between Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines and Health Hazards in Workers Involved in Hazardous Waste Sites at Karnataka, India. Journal of Research in Health Sciences: 2010; 10(1): 7-14.
N. Pavithra, K Ravibabu & H.R. Rajmohan. A review on pro-inflammatory cytokines responses in different occupational exposure. Journal of Ecophysiology & Occupational Health, 2009; 9(3&4):113-118.
Kalahasthi Ravibabu, Rajmohan. Hirehal Raghavendra Rao, Rajan and Karuna Kumar M. Effect of nickel exposure on urinary enzymes in nickel-plating workers. The journal of Occupational Health and Safety Australia and New Zealand-2008, 24(1): 73-80.
Kalahasthi Ravibabu, Rajmohan. Hirehal Raghavendra Rao, Rajan. Bagalur Krishna Murthy and Karuna Kumar M. Effect of nickel exposure on serum amylase activity in nickel –plating workers. Toxicology and Environmental Chemistry-2007; 90(2): 393-400.
Kalahasthi Ravibabu, Rajmohan. Hirehal Raghavendra Rao, Rajan. Bagalur Krishna Murthy and Karuna Kumar M. Urinary N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminadase and its isoenzyme A & B in workers exposed to cadmium from cadmium plating process. Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology-2007, 2:5
Kalahasthi Ravibabu, Hirehal Raghavendra Rao R, Bagalur Krishna Murthy R and Karuna Kumar M Effect of Chromium (VI) exposure on serum amylase activity in chromium plating workers. Environmental Science: an Indian Journal-2007; 2(1): 1-6.
Kalahasthi Ravi Babu, Hirehal Raghavendra Rao R, Bagalur Krishna Murthy R and Karuna Kumar M Effect of chromium (VI) on the status of plasma lipid peroxidation and erythrocyte antioxidant enzymes in chromium plating workers. Chemico-Biological Interactions164 (2006) 192-199.
Kalahasthi Ravi Babu, Hirehal Raghavendra Rao R, Bagalur Krishna Murthy R Association between urine cadmium and urinary indicators of renal dysfunction in cadmium plating workers. Central European journal of environmental medicine; 2006; 12(4): 235-242.
Kalahasthi Ravibabu, Hirehal Raghavendra Rao R, Bagalur Krishna Murthy R and Karuna Kumar M. Effect of cadmium exposure on serum amylase activity in cadmium plating workers. Environmental Bioindicators-2006 October-December; 1(4): 26
Kalahasthi Ravibabu, Hirehal Raghavendra Rao R, Bagalur Krishna Murthy R. Assessment of functional integrity of liver among workers exposed to soluble nickel compounds during nickel plating. Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine-August 2006 10(2): 78-81
Kalahasthi Ravibabu, Hirehal Raghavendra Rao R, Bagalur Krishna Murthy R and Karuna Kumar M. Plasma lipid peroxidation and erythrocyte antioxidant enzymes status in workers exposed to cadmium. Toxicology and Industrial Health-2006, September 22 (8): 329-336.
Kalahasthi RB, Hirehal Raghavendra Rao R, Bagalur Krishna Murthy R.Plasma lipid peroxidation and erythrocyte antioxidant status in workers exposed to nickel. Biomarkers 2006 May-Jun; 11(3): 241-249.