आई.सी.एम.आर.- राष्ट्रीय व्यावसायिक स्वास्थ्य संस्थान, ICMR- National Institute Of Occupational Health अहमदाबाद - 380016 भारत. Ahmedabad - 380016 India. व्यावसायिक स्वास्थ्य के लिए डब्ल्यूएचओ का सहयोग केंद्र. WHO Collaborating Center for Occupational Health
Ph. D. (Toxicology) –CSIR-CDRI, Lucknow & JNU, New Delhi
Postdoctoral Fellowship (Molecular Biology) – USA (K-State University, Manhattan, KS & LSU Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA)
Research Interest
Toxicology, Cancer biology, Infectious disease, Heavy metal toxicity, Molecular biology
Membership / Affliation
American College of Toxicology (Ex Full sponsored membership)
American Society for Virology (Ex Nominated Associate membership)
American Society for Microbiology (Ex Contributing membership)
Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility (Life membership)
Fellowship / Awards
ICMR-DHR International Fellowship Award: 2019-2020. Availed fellowship at University of Pittsburgh Medical Centre (UPMC), Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Received the ICMR-NIOH, Ahmedabad Scientist award for the scientific contribution - 2019.
Prof.GP Talwar Young Scientist Award’ at ISSRF 2017, organized by ICMR, New Delhi.
ICMR-IIT Kharagpur Med Tech Internship Award 2017
ICMR-IIT Kharagpur Med Tech Internship Award 2017-18 for 2 lakhs
Association of Biotechnology & Pharmacy (ABAP) - 2015 ‘Young Scientist Award’
Awarded international fellowship to attend ‘International Training on Environmental Toxicology’ at Chulabhorn Research Institute, Bangkok, Thailand.
Served as a Judge for Oral presentations at RBAT- 2017 conducted by Department of Biochemistry, University of Kerala, Kerala.
Served as Judge: Science Excellence- 2018 conducted by Department of Botany, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad.
Recognized PhD Guideship from Gujarat University, Ahmedabad and Raksha Shakti University, Ahmedabad in Toxicology subject.
Babu Banarasi Das University, Lucknow in accordance with CSIR-Industrial Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow has approved as a subject expert to evaluate and examine the PhD work in subject of Biochemistry.
Babu Banarasi Das University, Lucknow in accordance with CSIR-Industrial Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow has approved as a subject expert to evaluate and examine the PhD work in subject of Biochemistry.
Postdoctoral Fellowship (2007-2014), LSU Health Sciences Center/K-State University, USA Pre-Doctoral Fellowship at CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Luclnow.
Editor: Journal of Metabolomics and Systems Biology
Associate Editor: Universal Journal of Biotechnology & Bioinformatics
Lead Faculty – Toxicology; Virology – Webmedcentral, U.K.
Ex-Vice-President - LSU Health Sciences Center, Postdoctoral Association, New Orleans.
Marquis Who's Who in America 2011 Biography selected (65th Edition).
National Eligibility Test, CSIR-UGC (NET) - 2003.
National Eligibility Test, ASRB-ICAR (NET) - 2004.
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) – 2002 with 92.39 Percentile.
Tripathi S, Parmar D, Raval S, Mishra R, Singh G. Attenuation of chromium (VI) and arsenic (III)‐induced oxidative stress and hepatic apoptosis by phloretin, biochanin‐A, and coenzyme Q10 via activation of SIRT1/Nrf2/HO‐1/NQO1 signaling. Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology 38(9): e23817 (2024)
Tripathi S, Kharkwal G, Mishra R, Singh G. Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) signaling in heavy metals-induced oxidative stress. Heliyon (2024)
Infantino V, Pappalardo I, Santarsiero A, Tripathi S, Singh G, de Oliveira MR. Brain Mitochondria as a Therapeutic Target for Carnosic Acid. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience 23(3): 53 (2024)
Suchanti S, Stephen B J, Chaurasia T P, Raghuwanshi A P, Singh G, Singh A, Mishra R. In-Silico CLEC5A mRNA expression analysis to predict Dengue susceptibility in cancer patients. Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports 35: 101501 (2023)
Singh DP, Yadav SK, Patel K, Patel S, Patil GP, Bijalwan V, Singh G, Palkhade R, Kondepudi KK, Boparai RK, Bishnoi M, Das S. Short-term trivalent arsenic and hexavalent chromium exposures induce gut dysbiosis and transcriptional alteration in adipose tissue of mice. Mol Biol Rep. Nov 16 (2022)
Suchanti S, Awasthi S, Singh G, Yadav PK, Singh A, Mishra R. In silico prediction of COVID-19 cytokine storm in lung cancer types Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports. Dec; 32: 101350 (2022)
Tripathi S, Parmar D, Fathima S, Raval S, Singh G. Coenzyme Q10, Biochanin A and Phloretin Attenuate Cr(VI)-Induced Oxidative Stress and DNA Damage by Stimulating Nrf2/HO-1 Pathway in the Experimental Model. Biol Trace Elem Res, Aug 12 (2022).
Swapnil T, Shabrin F, Parmar D, Singh DP, Mishra S, Mishra R, Singh G. Therapeutic effects of CoenzymeQ10, Biochanin A and Phloretin against arsenic and chromium induced oxidative stress in mouse (Mus musculus) brain 3 Biotech,12: 116 (2022)
Patil GP, Yadav SK, Virmagami A, Bijalwan V, Devi K, Chauhan A; Gupta SK; Fathima S, Naorem CD Yadav S, Singh G; Mishra SD, Bishnoi M, Sarkar K, Singh DP. Occupational lead exposure is an independent modulator of hypertension and poor pulmonary functions: a case-control study. Toxicology & Industrial Health Mar;38(3):139-150 (2022)
Suchanti S, Stephen BJ, Awasthi S, Awasthi SK, Singh G, Singh A, Mishra R. Harnessing the role of Epigenetic Histone Modification in targeting HNSCC. Epigenomics Mar;14(5):279-293 (2022)
Choudhury P, Biswas S, Singh G, Pal A, Ghosh N, Ojha A, Das S, Dutta G, Chaudhury K. Immunological profiling and development of a sensing device for detection of IL-13 in COPD and asthma. Bioelectrochemistry; 143, 107971. (2022)
Singh G, Thaker R, Sharma A, Parmar D. Therapeutic effects of biochanin A, phloretin, and epigallocatechin-3-gallate in reducing oxidative stress in arsenic-intoxicated mice. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. Apr; 28(16):20517-20536 (2021)
Shank S, Saluja S, Rawat M; Singh G, Mohammad N, Naz H, Tarique M. The causal association between occupational, environmental, and lifestyle factors and reproductive cancer risk. Current Molecular Biology Reports volume 6, pages149–160 (2020)
Shirish A, Mishra, SD, Kapadia V, Kumar S, Singh G. Workplace heat exposure management in Indian construction workers using cooling garment. Workplace Health & Safety Jan;67(1):18-26. (2019)
Sharma S, Dewan A and Singh G*. Toxico-vigilance – An inevitable prerequisite to keep a watch on toxins around you. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine Jan; 45:32-35. (2017)
Gao X, Pham TH, Feuerbacher LA, Chen K, Hays MP, Singh G, Rueter C, Guerrero RH, Hardwidge PR. Citrobacter rodentium NleB Inhibits Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) Receptor-Associated Factor 3 (TRAF3) Ubiquitination to Reduce Host Type I Interferon Production. Journal of Biological Chemistry. Aug 26;291(35):18232-8. (2016)
Singh G*, Maurya R, Kumar A and Sinha N. Role of Apoptosis in Mediating Diclofenac Induced Teratogenesis - An In Vitro Approach. Toxicology & Industrial Health 31(7) 614– 623. (2015)
Pham TH, Gao X, Singh G, Hardwidge PR. Escherichia coli virulence protein NleH1 interaction with the v-crk sarcoma virus CT10 oncogene-Like protein (CRKL) governs NleH1 inhibition of the ribosomal protein S3 (RPS3)/NF-kappaB pathway. Journal of Biological Chemistry. Nov 29;288 (48):34567-74. (2013)
Singh G*, Kumar A and Sinha N*. Studying Significance of Apoptosis in Mediating Tolbutamide Induced Teratogenesis In Vitro. Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology Aug; 26(4): 484-94. (2012)
Kelly B L, Singh G, and Aiyar A. Molecular and cellular characterization of an AT - hook protein from Leishmania. PLoS One (6(6): e21412. (2011)
Washington A, Singh G and Aiyar A. Diametrically opposed effects of hypoxia and oxidative stress on two viral transactivators. Virology Journal May 10; 7:93. (2010)
Singh G* and Sinha N. Involvement of apoptosis in mediating Mitomycin C-induced teratogenesis in vitro. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods 20(4):190-6. (2010)
Singh G, Aras S, Zea AH, Koochekpour S and Aiyar A. Optimal transactivation by Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen 1 requires the UR1 and ATH1 domains. Journal of Virology 83(9): 4227-4235. (2009)
Aras S, Singh G, Johnston K, Foster T, Aiyar A. Zinc-coordination is required for and regulates transcription activation by Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen 1. PLoS Pathogens (5(6):e1000469). (2009)
Aiyar A, Aras S, Washington A*, Singh G* and Luftig R B. Epstein-Barr Nuclear Antigen 1 modulates replication of oriP-plasmids by impeding replication and transcription fork migration through the family of repeats. Virology Journal Mar 5; 6:29. (2009)
Bhattacharjee PS, Neumann DM, Foster TP, Clement C, Singh G, Thompson HW, Kaufman HE, Hill JM. Effective treatment of ocular HSK with a human apolipoprotein E mimetic peptide in a mouse eye model. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Oct: 49(10):4263-8. (2008)
Toma HS, Singh G, Neumann DM, Bhattacharjee PS, Bouhnik S, Kaufman HE, Hill JM. Spontaneous Shedding of HSV-1 DNA of High and Low Phenotypic Reactivating Strains in the Rabbit Eye Model Support an Emerging Paradigm. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science May: 49(13):493-493. (2008)
Shankar S, Singh G and Srivastava RK. Chemoprevention by resveratrol: molecular mechanisms and therapeutic potential. Frontiers in Bioscience, 1(12):4839-54. (2007)
Bhadauria S, Singh G, Sinha N and Srivastava S. Isoniazid induces oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis in Hep G2 cells. Cellular and Molecular Biology, 53: 102-14. (2007)
Singh G, Sinha N, Koushik JC, Mathur SK and Srivastava S. Detecting role of apoptosis in mediating cyclophosphamide induced teratogenesis in vitro. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, 15(6):391-7. (2005)