आई.सी.एम.आर.- राष्ट्रीय व्यावसायिक स्वास्थ्य संस्थान, ICMR- National Institute Of Occupational Health अहमदाबाद - 380016 भारत. Ahmedabad - 380016 India. व्यावसायिक स्वास्थ्य के लिए डब्ल्यूएचओ का सहयोग केंद्र. WHO Collaborating Center for Occupational Health
B.V.Sc.& A.H., M. V. Sc. (Veterinary Pharmacology)
International Course on Laboratory Animal Science (FELASA Cat 'C')
Certificate Course in Laboratory Animals Science (FELASA Function C & D)
Research Interest
Occupational Health, Exp. Toxicology, Zoonoses
Life member of Society of Toxicology India (STOX)
Life member of Indian Society of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology (ISVPT)
Life member of Laboratory Animal Association of India (LASAI)
Life member of Indian Society for the Study of Reproduction and Fertility (ISSRF)
Fellowship / Awards
Palkhade R.*, S Mishra, Barbuddhe S. (2022) Occupation-related Biological Health hazards and infection control practices among Indian Veterinarians Veterinary Medicine International (Manuscript accepted).
SD Mishra, Palkhade R.* (2020) Risk factors and prevalence of work-related injuries and accidents among veterinarians in India Veterinary world 13 (11), 2555 (IF:0.5 & Citation-4).
Pagdhune A., Kunal K., Patel KA, Palkhade R., Muhamed J. (2020) Poisoning Cases Reported to Poison Information Centre, Ahmedabad, India: A Three Year Observational Study Cent. Asian Journal of global Health 9 (1) (IF:0.9) (Citation-1).
Yogendra Mevada, Palkhade R.*, Chattopadhyay UK, Amit...(2020) Serological Survey of Leptospirosis among Poultry Farm and Slaughterhouse Workers and its Co-relation with the Risk Factors Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci 9 (9), 3556-3571.
Alamuri A., KV Kumar, Varghese B, Palkhade R., SN Mahadeviah, et al., (2021) Evaluation of recombinant leptospiral surface antigen (Lsa27) lipoprotein for serodiagnosis of human leptospirosis by latex agglutination test Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology 39 (2), 212-217 (IF:0.985).
Palkhade R.*, S Yadav, Mishra S, Muhamed J. (2018) Acute oral toxicity of pesticide combination (acephate 50% and imidacloprid 1.8% as active ingredients) in Sprague dawley rats Veterinary World 11 (9), 1291. (IF:0.5 & Citation:8).
Palkhade R.*, Pankaj Burfal, Suresh Yadav, Awandkar SP, A. Pagdhune (2018) Epididymo-Orchitis in a Veterinary Physician: A Case of Occupational Brucellosis Journal of Foodborne and Zoonotic Diseases 6(01) 05-07 (Citation-1).
Palkhade R*, CR Jangade (2016) Screening of analgesic and antipyretic activity of aqueous and alcoholic extracts of aloe veralinn. Veterinary Research International 4 (2), 67-73.